Posts tagged burnout
How I fought burnout while building my own mental wellbeing business

Six months ago, I met with two fellow entrepreneurs after they closed their first round of funding. I congratulated them and their response was that they were worried because they didn’t have any energy left to execute, lead and inspire. Despite appearing strong, confident, and excited across social media platforms, the reality was different and concerning.

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What is burnout and how do I recognise the symptoms?

According to Gallup, 7 in 10 millennials suffer some level of burnout. Also, the annual cost in lost productivity from employees “checking out of their jobs” is estimated at $550B. You can become a burnout vigilante by detecting your early signs of burnout, or amongst your friends, family members, and employees.

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Are you in college struggling with achieving social-academic balance? Here are some tips from a College Health Coach.

When I left for college and proactively chose to live on-campus in a “Wellness Living & Learning Community” I thought I was guaranteeing myself a healthy college experience. My best intentions however could not save me from the overwhelming stressors of college life.

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