What is burnout and how do I recognise the symptoms?

According to Gallup, 7 in 10 millennials suffer some level of burnout. Also, the annual cost in lost productivity from employees “checking out of their jobs” is estimated at $550B. You can become a burnout vigilante by detecting your early signs of burnout, or amongst your friends, family members, and employees.

What it is and what it isn’t.

  • In 2019, the World’s Health Organization declared burnout as a legitimate diagnosis. Ongoing symptoms are: constant physical and/or emotional exhaustion, job-related negative feelings, and a significant reduction in professional efficacy.

  • A stressful day or week doesn’t mean you’re burnt out. Burnout is the result of a longer cyclical phenomenon. 

  • If you’re stress levels become too frequent or constant, and it prevents you from performing both at a personal or professional level, then you’re probably burnt out.

The four dimensions to assess burnout.

Ask yourself (or those close to you) the following questions to understand the state of the following four dimensions: your energy, your productivity, your mood, and your body.  

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  • Do you often go to bed early and still wake up tired?

  • Do you feel like small tasks take you a lot of effort (examples include getting ready, making breakfast, commuting to work, reading the news, etc.)

  • Do you often do as little as possible to get through the day?

  • Do you suffer from insomnia a few nights per week? Whether it’s difficult to fall asleep even when you’re tired or whether your sleep often gets interrupted. 


  • Are you starting to forget things more often?

  • Do you need to re-read things to comprehend them? Even easy content like emails or text messages. 

  • Do you often feel guilty because you’re failing at achieving your goals?

  • Does it take you longer to finish tasks that before seemed a lot easier?


  • Do you feel you’re often impatient, irritable and/or have outbursts of anger towards the people around you?

  • Do you feel that “enjoying” your time at work, at home, or with your friends is becoming less frequent?

  • Do you find yourself thinking that things never go well anymore and positive people are starting to annoy you?

  • After a few days of a relaxing vacation and getting disconnected from work (for real), do you still feel tired, exhausted and demotivated?


  • Are you starting to get sick more often (ie. flu, infections, etc)?

  • Do you often feel dizzy, have shortness of breath, or experience migraines?

  • Are you skipping some meals because your appetite levels aren’t the same as before?

  • Do you still feel weak even after a few days of a relaxing vacation, sleeping well, and being fully disconnected from work?

If only a few questions resonate with you, the good news is that you can revert this negative cycle easily. The earlier you recognise your stress the quicker your recovery will be - try our burnout assessment to take the first step on your journey to chill 🤗

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Lamia Pardo is the Journify’s Founder and CEO. She is on a mission to integrate mental wellbeing hacks into our daily routines, starting with reinventing the journaling experience and bringing it to audio. She is documenting her own founder journey with the Journify app and submitting her records to a COVID-19 project hosted by the Women’s History Museum. You can find her on Twitter at @lamiapf.