Burnout Bites - 4 Ways to Prevent It (Without Quitting Your Job)

Burnout is a common workplace issue that often leaves us demoralised, physically drained and mentally exhausted. To prevent burnout we need to think of practical ways that don’t involve quitting our jobs as the only solution. Instead try reaching out to people, working on your priorities, reframing the way you look at work and maintaining a healthy diet. Reach our article to find out more.

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Audio Journaling Prompts To Calm Your Mind, Plan Your Day, Or Reduce Anxieties

To get started, hit “record” 🎙and say whatever comes to mind. It could be a word, a thought, a feeling, or just start with an update of your day ahead. You can also time box your audio journaling time to 10 or 15 minutes and then just let your mind wander. This is known as stream of consciousness journaling or “The Artist Way”. If you prefer, you can also try prompts to guide you.

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