Audio Journal to Kiss Goodbye to Outburst Emails 📧


We’ve all heard of the cathartic effects of writing a letter to your ex and then throwing it in the shredder, but does anybody actually do that? 💌😡

The truth is we rarely take a step back to process our emotions, and instead end up getting into a fight, sending a text or email we then regret, or making a really bad decision in the spur of the moment. 😤📵

Audio journaling can be your new outlet! Your phone is always handy so use it as soon as you recognize any emotional trigger. Simply grab your phone and start with describing the situation in detail, how you feel about it, and what you would like the outcome to be. 😵

Venting your frustrations will help you skip the unnecessary fights or apology emails after passive aggressive outbursts. ⌛

Let it out, then listen back the next day. You’ll be amazed at how different it sounds after a good sleep. 🛏

By allowing yourself to process your emotions, you’ll end up more in control of your reactions!

Script by: Joss Harvey